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Hollywood Clubs, Los Angeles Events,Hollywood Nightlife, Hollywood Music

Hollywood Nightclubs

Marketing and Promotions

Influencing Consumers Through Nightlife


The Strategy


PCN Marketing targets the top socially leading consumers in the young hip, Visionary marketplace; the people on the cutting edge of fashion, music, art and other creative markets.  “Word of mouth”, technical term being “direct marketing”, is everything.   That’s why social media has taken off so well. 


What is “The Chasm”?  


The chasm is what stands between the creative, innovator and making a significant amount of money.  To be a successful, you need to cross the chasm .  The innovators want the latest and greatest. The early adopters are the Visionaries that want to get ahead of the crowd. And, the early majority are the mainstream, the pragmatists and are the followers.  

The followers concept is; the hip have been using/buying it.  I want to be hip, so I will use/buy it. Your first order of business is getting on the curve. Getting those visionaries using your latest thing.  They’re your evangelists.


Branding Basics:


• Brand Lauch/Introduction: Introduce your product and service.

• Brand Recognition: Logo icon recognition and reinforcement that it is a       great product and service.

• Brand Loyalty: Consumers will come back for more.


Convince the “Visonaries” first!

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

by PrinceCharles Nightlife LLC.

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